Our upcoming tour dates
You can listen and buy our new album on our bandcamp page!
Our dear singer, multi-instrumentalist and creative leader Anna Vasylchenko just released her own music on bandcamp, so please go and check it out :)
We begin pre-order of our new jubilee album "Gryphon"! While listening to this album, you will go on a fabulous journey thru time and countries accompanied
with our most beloved songs and compositions.
The gryphon, a legendary creature from ancient myths,not accidentally has become the symbol of our jubilee album. Just as a gryphon is a combination of a lion
and an eagle, so our album will contain music of different times and nations, ours and yours favorite songs and melodies.
This time we turned to the Lviv artist Taras Keb for the album illustrations, and now we present to you a cover, where the fairy tale gryphon salutes us
with a glass of wine in honor of our ten-year anniversary!
List of our nearest concerts.
You can now watch full medieval theatrical show "Rosa das Rosas" created together with medieval dance studios "Joyssans" and "Beltaine"! Enjoy!
We always love to do something new, and to introduce new trends in the medieval scene of Ukraine, so prepare your Google Cardboard or simply watch the
first video of the concert of medieval music in virtual reality on smartphones! You can also watch on the computer, but you need to control the camera
from the keyboard.
This year marks 7th anniversary of our first studio recording - our joint effort with folk-metal band Viter - Diva Ruzha. All songs on this EP have traditional roots but they appear in completely different form. Songs were performed in four languages � Ukrainian, Swedish, Latvian and Breton. Music for �Migla, Migla, Rasa, Rasa� was written by SKYFORGER, lyrics � traditional.
Album cover created by Yuriy Koval.
You can see a small glimpse of our new album "Rosa das Rosas" presentation in this small teaser from the show we made in our hometown - Lviv.
Spanish medieval songs from the �Cantigas de Santa Maria� codex came to life in sounds, colors and persons. More videos will follow!
We gladly present to you our new album "Rosa das Rosas" based on one of most popular medieval collection of songs
"Cantigas de Santa Maria". It's monophonic paraliturgical songs written in
Galician-Portuguese (also known as Old Portuguese or Medieval Galician) in mensural notation. Cantigas were performed during
church celebrations. Virgin Mary and all of her virtues and miracles are praised in those songs. Their stories are about life
of Alfonso X El Sabio and his family, and local legends and tales. Big and small miracles are praised in cantigas such as: story
how Virgin Mary defeated basilisk an dragon in Toledo, how she saved drunken monks sinking in the river near Salamanca, how she
cured dying horse, punished thiefs, helped monks to get water against will of greedy knight and many more�
We now have some merchandise available to order on our bandcamp page. Please check it out.
Great day for us has come and we are ready to make an announcement of our new album release date - 3/2/2018, and start pre-orders for those
of you who want to support us in advance! You could listen to 3 already released tracks on our bandcamp page. Please share the news,
as an independent artists we solely rely on your support! Thank you!
Friends, we always want to share with you the most beautiful things that we have! This time, we present to you results of the new photo
session for the future project "Rosa Das Rosas".
We are extremely grateful to our unchanging photographer ���� ���������� for her excellent works, all the members of the team and
Natalya Skornyakova for their participation and cooperation!
We gladly present to you new track "Non Sofre Santa Maria" from our upcoming album, accompanied by photos
of our new costumes created specially for "Rosa das Rosas" project depicting XIII century unique fashion
of Alfonso El Sabio court. Enjoy!
Thanks to Arina Kozlovska for beautiful photos!
3 more videos of theatrical presentation of "Rota Fortunae" album.
We a glad to present second song "Rosa das Rosas (Cantiga X)" from our upcoming album "Rosa das Rosas".
Kings & Begars ensemble, "Stretta" chamber orchestra and "Beltaine" historical dance studio presents "Les Bouffons"
dance from Thoinot Arbeau "Orchesographie". XVI ct.
Live performance on Lviv TV of "Non Sofre Santa Maria (Cantiga 159)" from our next album "Cantigas De Santa Maria".
We want to present to you two fragments of theatrical presentation of "Rota Fortunae" album.
We gladly present to you first single from our upcoming album currently in works. This track is some kind of bridge between our old and new sound.
Album will be based on one of most popular medieval collection of songs "Cantigas de Santa Maria". It�s monophonic paraliturgical songs written in Galician-Portuguese
(also known as Old Portuguese or Medieval Galician) in mensural notation. Cantigas were performed during church celebrations. Virgin Mary and all of her virtues and miracles are praised
in those songs. Their stories are about life of Alfonso X El Sabio and his family, and local legends and tales. Big and small miracles are praised in cantigas such as: story how Virgin Mary
defeated basilisk an dragon in Toledo, how she saved drunken monks sinking in the river near Salamanca, how she cured dying horse, punished thiefs, helped monks to get water against will of greedy knight and many more�
The song what we present to you called "Como poden per sas culpas", tells the story of a man who suffered an illness that twisted his limbs and left him crippled because of his sins. He stayed that way for five years.
He vowed that if he were cured he would take a quantity of wax to Salas every year. He was immediately cured. Without delay, he went to Salas with the wax. Although he had not walked for a long time, he was nimble and
felt no pain.They thanked and praised Mary for the miracle.
This promo video shows bits of our �Rota Fortunae� program accompanied by fantastic show extravaganza from the Al'entrada Studio of Historical Dance!
We would like to introduce to you our new band member Marta Hovdysh. Welcome to our musical family!